Disorders of the sebaceous glands

Oily skin

Oily skin is characterized by an over production of sebum (oil). A Combination of factors contribute to oily skin. These factors may be, hormone imbalance or a change in hormone levels, and hot, humid climates which may stimulate the sebaceous glands to produce more sebum. The oily skin has enlarged pores (follicles) that may be filled with dirt, dead tissue and sebum. Oily skin is more prone to pimples and blemishes. At the Skin Studio our goal is to educate our clients on proper home care and perform in-Studio treatments that will help regulate sebaceous glands and minimize clogged pores, pimples, and blemishes.

Enlarged Pores

Pores generally become enlarged because blackheads, sebum (oil) deposits, dead cells, makeup and other debris fill and stretch the pores. Enlarged pores cannot be made smaller, however, with deep cleansing the pore will tighten and appear smaller leaving them less noticeable.


Seborrhea is a condition of the sebaceous glands in which excessive secretion or disturbed quality of sebum (oil) collects on the skin and forms an oily coating, crusts or scales accompanied with a itching or burning sensation. Treatment is designed to minimize the signs and symptoms.


Rosacea is characterized by excessive oiliness. The nose and cheeks are the areas most frequently affected. The skin appears flushed, and will develop papules and pustules. If this condition is left untreated, the skin may become lumpy. Rosacea usually appears after age 35, and it is more common in females than males. Soothing treatments using Botanicals such as chamomile, geranium, myrrh, peppermint, rose, sandlewood, tea tree and lavender are helpful. This condition may require consultation with a dermatologist.

Hyperpigmentation (increased darkness of the skin)

Hyperpigmentation is abnormally increased pigmentation (color) of the skin. Special cells called melanocytes produce pigment granules, which are scattered throughout the basal layer of the epidermis (the top layer of the skin). Through a complex process melanocytes produce a chemical compound called melanin, the protein responsible for skin color. Heredity determines the basic skin color (light or dark). People of different races have approximately the same number of melanocytes, but they are more active in dark-skinned people. Lighter skin has fewer melanocyte pigment cells. This added melanin in darker skin provides greater protection from the ultra violet rays of the sun, premature aging of the skin, and incidents of certain types of skin cancer. Other factors can modify the genetic effect of skin color. Sunlight is the most obvious factor - prolonged exposure causes melanocytes to increase melanin production and darken skin color. So, too, does an excess of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) or an excess of melanocyte - stimulating hormone (MSH), two of the hormones secreted by the anterior pituitary gland. Contraceptives or pregnancy, psoriasis, blood pressure medication, etc., can also induce hyperpigmentation. Changes in skin pigment are significantly more common in persons of medium skin pigment (Asians, Hispanics, light-skinned blacks). At the Skin Studio, hyperpigmentation has been successfully treated utilizing sun protection, Hydroquinone, Kojec Acid, Retinolic Acids, skin peeling, vitamin C or a combination of the above.

Dry/Dehydrated Skin

The skin is often dry and dehydrated due to inactivity of the sebaceous glands that produce the sebum (oil), which lubricate the skin. Factors contributing to this condition are: increased sun exposure, wind, harsh soaps, poor diet, aging, lack of enough fluid intake, excessive steaming of the face, the use of drying masks, drying cosmetics, and medications taken internally or applied topically. Dry/dehydrated skin is lacking in oil or moisture or both. Treatments at the Skin Studio and home maintenance programs are designed to help stimulate the sebaceous glands and normalize the production of sebum and help to retain moisture in the skin.

Pseudofolliculitis barbae (ingrown hair)

Pseudofolliculitis barbae is the number one complaint among our male clients. Although this problem exist among men with course bread hair the incidence seems to be more pronounced in black men who shave. The hair follicle in these men are curved, so the hair tips reverse their course and reenter back into the skin instead of growing out as they normally would. Due to the reentry of the hair, an inflammatory process occurs (redness, tenderness, swelling, and pustules). In addition, the skin of the affected areas becomes discolored. Since shaving appears to be the aggravating factor in the development of Pseudofolliculitis barbae some men have chosen to simply ware a beard although this may not be their preferred look. However in cases where one may not have a choice (Employment), it is important that the correct technique, equipment,and products be used. Pseudofolliculitis not only affects men, women with course hair are affected on the chin, neck, underarm and bikini areas. The skin in these areas will become sensitive and discolored over time. Pseudofolliculitis is a chronic treatable condition, However, the client must be well educated and committed to the treatment process. At The Skin Studio our treatments include: Gylcolic acids, Jessner peels, bleaching or combination therapy. In addition to these treatments, the client is placed on a home maintenance program which must be followed if this condition is to be controlled.